Inizia in questi giorni di festivita' e dopo un breve (purtroppo) periodo di riposo, la mia preparazione all'esame "70-536 Microsoft .NET Framework - Application Development Foundation" !!!
Questa la descrizione ufficiale dell' esame:
"Exam 70-536 is designed to measure your knowledge of .NET development fundamentals and is not tied to a particular version of .NET. Since the exam is now applicable to both Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 and Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 certification tracks, we have changed the name of the exam. Formerly TS: Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 – Application Development Foundation, Exam 70-536 is now called TS: Microsoft .NET Framework, Application Development Foundation. If you are a .NET 2.0 developer, you do not need to learn .NET 3.5 to pass Exam 70-536; conversely, if you are a .NET 3.5 developer, you do not need to review .NET 2.0 to pass the exam."
Questo e' il primo passo per ottenere la certificazione "MCTS: .NET Framework 2.0 Web Applications" MCTS
Il manuale su cui studio e' questo, circa ottocento pagine in inglese e pagato poco piu' di 30€.
Se voi lo avete gia' superato ogni consiglio sara' molto gradito :)
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Esame Microsoft 70-536
Etichette: Certificazioni
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